TRUMP READS (((VIBRATION))) | WE in 5D: This Could Even Repel a Supporter/Fan Who Believes in Grace Just a Little Too Much, BUT Here is Simple Truth... SURE, One CAN Shift Vibration/Change—FEW EVERRR DO #HowManyTimesHaveYouFuckedAroundAndFoundOut?
America First CRUSHED The Military Industrial Complex "Border" Bill! + 150K Yearly Salary Now Poverty Level in Blue States?! | Luke Rudkowski, "We Are Change".
Abraham Hicks—Natural (or Unnatural – Including 9/11) Disasters EXPLAINED! If it’s All About Vibration [and it is] How/Why Do Large Groups Die Together?
Republican [Voters] (Voting Tendency Doesn't 100% Define Conservative/Liberal Leanings) DIVIDED on Israel/Middle East.. Instead of Minding Their Business/Vibration on the Millenia-Old Annunaki War! | Glenn Greenwald's System Update Show