Clay Clark Client Testimonials | “We Have the Best Month Ever! It Was Total Chaos (Before Hiring Clay Clark). After We Started Using Clay Clark’s System, This Has Drastically Improved the Business! Been a Great Process!"
The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 02.22.24 | The Beast System | + The Beast System | "They Are Planning Out a Total System of Control. To Be Able to Do It, They Need to Have Artificial Intelligence." - Pastor Steve Cioccolanti
Mayor Rudy Giuliani | Does America Face Total Implementation of Communism If President Donald J. Trump Is Not Elected As the 47th President of the United States? + Why Are Pediatricians Giving the COVID Vaccines to Babies?
The Singularity | Joe Rogan Asks Ray Kurzweil (Cofounder & Chancellor of Singularity University & Director of Engineering at Google) | Kurzweil: "We have ability to keep total privacy in a device...We know how to build perfect privacy."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Covid Is Critical Because This What Convinces People to Accept Total Biological Surveillance. This Was Moment When Surveillance Started Going Under the Skin." - October 3rd 2020 | Who Is Harari?