Satan's 5 I Wills Isaiah 14 & Trump's 5 I Wills, Obama Delaying Harris Endorsement Explained In I Pet Goat 2, Rabbi Schneerson Said Netanyahu Will Hand Scepter To Messiah-Ben-David, The Many False Prophecies of Kim Clement
Kirk's Rumors About Biden Emergency, Replica of Ark of Covenant At Trump's House, The Crypto-AI-Luciferase-Mark of the Beast Connections, Trump Announces Fink As Future Treasury Sec, Kamala The Lotus Flower in I Pet Goat II & The Cabal
14 US Ships in Middle East, Iran Backs Down, Mockery of Trump Fulfills Daniel 11:21 Confirming Trump Is the Son of Perdition, CERN & I Pet Goat 2, Don Jr. Calls for Elon Musk, Earthquake Rattles L.A., The 3rd Temple, Isaiah 50:10-11