Justine Bateman: Hollywood Is Dead. Wokeness & Generative AI Like Sora Are Just More Nails In Its Coffin. But Something New Is Rising From Its Ashes – Ask Dr. Drew
Nonvaxer420/RumbleDad has been telling the truth about the bio-cyber interface the entire time since 2021 While the alt media's & Doctors continues to lie and scream bioweapon & virus for the fear factor and your reaction buying products!
Slovakia’s Deputy PM Announces Boycott Of ‘Degenerate’ Olympics/US Has Sent Over $56 Billion In Military Aid To Ukraine Since 2021/Singapore Approves 16 Insects for Human Consumption /Israeli Lawmakers Consider Passing Law Making It LEGAL To Rape Pa
2045 Strategic Social Initiative: A New Era for Humanity 2012 - We invite all interested specialists: scientists, politicians, mass media personalities, philosophers, futurologists and businessmen