1. LTG Short - LowTierGod Gets Exposed For Being A Pedo [Low Tier Kimahri/MylesZane Reupload]

    LTG Short - LowTierGod Gets Exposed For Being A Pedo [Low Tier Kimahri/MylesZane Reupload]

  2. lowtiergod Exposed for gifting himself hundreds of subs in response to trolls

    lowtiergod Exposed for gifting himself hundreds of subs in response to trolls

  3. Low Tier Gods Covenant Lazarus EXPOSED for hiding emails, fake addresses [Low Tier Gucci Reupload]

    Low Tier Gods Covenant Lazarus EXPOSED for hiding emails, fake addresses [Low Tier Gucci Reupload]

  4. Did LowTierGod just expose LX Dark Sniper - You decide in the comments [Low Scrub Bitch Reupload]

    Did LowTierGod just expose LX Dark Sniper - You decide in the comments [Low Scrub Bitch Reupload]

  5. Jacob Dicker Imma Expose You and Covenant Lazarus 😈 [GuccidabzzzTv Reupload]

    Jacob Dicker Imma Expose You and Covenant Lazarus 😈 [GuccidabzzzTv Reupload]

  6. LowTierGod Cant Stop Exposing How Much He Hates His Daughter And Why He Doesn't Raise Her [REUPLOAD]

    LowTierGod Cant Stop Exposing How Much He Hates His Daughter And Why He Doesn't Raise Her [REUPLOAD]

  7. The Tragic Downfall of LowTierGod

    The Tragic Downfall of LowTierGod
