Translation: governments are going ahead and augmenting their Populations with "gene therapy" and other methods without their consent! "Climate Change" SDG2030
Yuval Noah Harari Interviewed By Kristalina Georgieva, the Managing Director of IMF + "Democracy Is Not An Ideal System for Deciding What Is Truth. You Shouldn't Be Able to Vote That Climate Change Isn't Real." - Yuval Noah Harari
Bird Flu | Is Plandemic 2.0 Around the Corner? "COVID Is Not an Extremely Deadly Virus, So Now Just Try to Think What Will Be the Implications of a Much Bigger Problem Like Climate Change?" - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Work In Jerusalem At the Hebrew University. It's One of the Most Fought Over Places In Human History, It's Hard to Understand Why." + "How Much Would It Cost Humanity to Stop Climate Change?" (3/14/2024