7 months agoBreak Free from Old Patterns 🌀 Lion’s Gate Portal 🦁 Arcturian Light Language By LightstarLightstar Creations
6 months ago9:9 Portal * Full Moon LUNAR Eclipse * ClearingTRAUMAS & SOUL Contracts * Divine Soul MissionsAlohaPinkBella888
6 months agoSEPT Galactic Akashic Records * 9/9 Portal * Lunar ECLIPSE * Super Full Moon * EQUINOX StargateAlohaPinkBella888
9 months agoGALACTIC Akashic Records Live! * 6/6 Portal * 6 PLANETS Parade * EARTH Star Chakra & SOUL MissionsAlohaPinkBella888
10 months agoPLEIADIAN Portal * STARSEED Soul Mission Green Light! * Area 51 * UFO SightingsAlohaPinkBella888
9 months agoJEDI Divine ORDER Rises! * 6/6 Portal * ORDER 66 & the JEDI Fall * LYRA & ORION ConnectionAlohaPinkBella888
11 months agoThis Homecoming is Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scrantonyounglightworker22
4 months agoThe 11/11 Energies & What They’ll Do ∞ Daniel Scranton ~ The 9D Arcturian Council 11- 08-24younglightworker22
7 months ago8-8-8 Lions Gate Energies on Earth & Throughout the Galaxy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council ~ D.Scrantonyounglightworker22
7 months agoThe August Energies & the Conclusion of 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scrantonyounglightworker22
6 months agoSUPER BLUE Full Moon Intense Energy Shift! * DRAGONS & Looshing Portals * GRIDWORK Intel UpdateAlohaPinkBella888
9 months agoDIVINE MOTHER EARTH TIME! #35: Arcturian Ambassador Viviane Chauvet!Divine Mother Earth Time
7 months agoThe Lions Gate Energies Are Here…Now E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, by Daniel Scrantonyounglightworker22
11 months agoWHO IS "Q" Episode 45 Q Identified! China, Gates, Musk, EMP, 17th Letter, Who is it?USFDET/QForce
6 months ago528 HZ Balance Healing * Arcturian Transmission * TIMELINE Shift! * ANCESTRAL ContractsAlohaPinkBella888
11 months agoNo Matter What Happens, You Need to Remember This ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, by Daniel Scrantonyounglightworker22
11 months agoPhil Gruber: Pleaidian, Sirian, Arcturian Language & Genetic ConnectionPortalToAscension
9 months agoDIVINE MOTHER EARTH TIME! #35: Arcturian Ambassador Viviane Chauvet! LAURA EISENHOWERBaggyPants
7 months agoEPISODE 61 Trump Shooter MK Ultra Mystical Paranormal Hoai Baciu Forest SCP Foundatio Reptilain GreyUSFDET/QForce
19 days agoWill Stargate AI be used to stop the ascension of humanity and open negative portals?michaelj5326Verified
6 months agoDEEP Dive Akashic Records * MATTHEW Perry Arrests * Monkey POX Agenda * DRAGONS GridworkAlohaPinkBella888
10 months agoMAY GALACTIC AKASHIC Records Deep Dive! * 5/5 & PLEIADIAN Portals * DARK ET AgendaAlohaPinkBella888