A conversa P. Poroshenko com B. Gates: "Bill Gates e Poroshenko discutiram a imunização dos ucranianos contra a poliomielite”.
Phone Prankster Poses as Poroshenko, Negotiates with Head of NATO - Actual Recording
Hillary, Tucker is a useful idiot. EU travel ban. Poroshenko-Zaluzhny alliance. Erin, Elensky No. 5
Rolling With You
Part 4 of 5 Leaked Call Between Joe Biden and Ukraine President Poroshenko of Ukraine!
Hillary Clinton now pranked by Russian pranksters Vovan & Lexus pretending to be Poroshenko
Hillary, Tucker is a useful idiot. EU travel ban. Poroshenko-Zaluzhny alliance. Erin, Elensky No. 5
Alex Christoforou
Prank with an Australian mercenary Brad Kendall
Save Donbass
Rebellion / Pranks with American and Australian mercenaries
Vovan & Lexus
Prank with an American mercenary Joshuah John Ransford
Vovan & Lexus
The Biden Bribe Tapes (complete) | Chanel Rion (this is why OAN was cancelled)
Vovan and Lexus Prank with Hillary Clinton (English)
Prank with an Australian mercenary Brad Kendall
Vovan & Lexus
Prank with Polish mercenary Michael Kiermacz
Vovan & Lexus
Prank with Polish mercenary Igor Gorniak
Vovan & Lexus
Prank with an American mercenary Jason Freeman
Vovan & Lexus
ICYMI: When Ukrainian guy pranked HRC by pretending to be Petro Poroshenko, the former President of Ukraine.
Question Everything
Vladimir Putin comments on Trump threatening sanctions against,
Roses Have Thorns (Part 14) The Siege of Slavyansk III ENG MUST WATCH
Charlie Rose 2014-05-27: Análise da eleição do Presidente ucraniano Petro Poroshenko.
Hillary Clinton Conspires Against Trump With Ex Ukraine President Poroshenko.