1. There's More to Vim Than the Arrow Keys

    There's More to Vim Than the Arrow Keys

  2. quotMquot bindings in vim on iTerm2Terminal don39t work

    quotMquot bindings in vim on iTerm2Terminal don39t work

  3. Changing Vim indentation behavior by file type

    Changing Vim indentation behavior by file type

  4. How to check whether shell scripts Vim running in VS Code integrated terminal

    How to check whether shell scripts Vim running in VS Code integrated terminal

  5. How do I map multiple ltleadergt keys in Vim

    How do I map multiple ltleadergt keys in Vim

  6. How do I remove duplicates from vim scriptnames file

    How do I remove duplicates from vim scriptnames file

  7. How do I navigate to the end of the braces when in insert mode in vim

    How do I navigate to the end of the braces when in insert mode in vim

  8. How do I configure vim to open zip files

    How do I configure vim to open zip files

  9. Define custom folding for YAML files in VIM

    Define custom folding for YAML files in VIM

  10. Change borderwidth of splits in VIM

    Change borderwidth of splits in VIM

  11. How to correctly set the spellfile in VIM

    How to correctly set the spellfile in VIM

  12. How to remove the fold level numbers in vim

    How to remove the fold level numbers in vim

  13. Is there a decent Vim regexp OR command What is the best way to find mismatched if else39s

    Is there a decent Vim regexp OR command What is the best way to find mismatched if else39s

  14. Is there a shortcut to open vim and then jump to line num as quotnumquot

    Is there a shortcut to open vim and then jump to line num as quotnumquot

  15. Automatically center vim search results

    Automatically center vim search results

  16. How to fix JSON indentation in vim

    How to fix JSON indentation in vim

  17. How to determine if the file was modified when exiting vim

    How to determine if the file was modified when exiting vim