University at Buffalo: Rebuking An Arrogant Atheist, Wicked Fake Christians Defend Sin, Police Called, Crowd Swells, Homosexuals, Muslims, Lukewarm Christians, Atheists All Join Forces Against the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Crowd Descends Into Rabid Chaos
So Many "Christians" Practicing Witchcraft As They Pray For Revival in the USA and As They Pray for Jesus to Cause Trump To Win -- Real Christians Understand Jeremiah 7:16-34 Is What We Should Be Praying For This Nation
R&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Christian-Israel Fellowship (Episode #3 -- March 10th, 2024). Topic: "Christian Holocaust (Isaiah 10:3): Mass Martyrdom of Christians in Collapsing Communist Dictatorship China, Nigeria, Arab & Muslim World"
Satanist and Pedophile Donald Trump Keeps Deceiving More and More Christians, Christians Keep Watching Porn, Israel Attacks Iran, Kamala The Perfect Villian To Propel Wicked Trump Into Power, Judgment Is Coming To The USA Very Soon
University of South Alabama: Several Christians Encourage Me & Take Gospel Tracts To Give to Their Friends, One Hypocrite Demands Me To Stop Preaching The Fear of God, A Good Day of Preaching Jesus!
What If Kamala "Wins" 2024 Election & Ensures Trump Is Installed, The "Fake" Biden Confirms Daniel 11:20, Mark Zuckerberg Loves Trump, Trump Promises Christians They'll Never Have To Vote Again, Trump's Biometric Tracking