( -0846) Honorable Lindy Li Confirms That Beyonce, Oprah And Cardi B (& Many Others) Were Highly Paid While Pretending to Charitably Perform or Give Speeches For Kamala
China | Why Did Elon Musk Meet With Premier Li? What Are Hamas & Fatah Officials Teaming Up? Taiwan Issued Dire Warning About Russia-China Dual Threat + China Rocket Blasts Off for Far Side of Moon!
mRNA | Self-Amplifying mRNA COVID Vaccine Approved for Mass Production | "Synthetic mRNA...It's Like a Computer Program. You Can Turn Someone Into a Butterfly." - Elon Musk + Why Is Elon Musk Meeting With Premier Li Qiang?
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Musk Post? "Honored to meet with Premier Li Qiang." - April 29th 2024 + "Premier Li Took His Office At a Critical Moment When China Adopted New COVID Control Measures." - Klaus Schwab