Amanda Grace | Breaking Down the Battle Being Waged for America’s Soul Including: RNC’s Updated Stance On Marriage & Abortion + President Trump Dodged a Bullet, Amber Rose 101, & Satanists Endorsing Abortion?
LIVE! Sun.Dec.29,'24 8p ET(+5)! Abortion is Murder. Don't let anyone fool you. Children in the womb have a personality and baby instincts. Aborting them is a homicide. Unless required to save the mother, children must be allowed to live birth.
Republican National Convention | Pastor Matt Trewhella Discusses What the Bible Has to Say About the Recent Updated Republican Stance On Abortion & Biblical Marriage (July 21st 2024) + Amber Rose At the RNC?
The Correlation Between Vaccines and Huge Cancer Numbers Can't be Ignored | America First Can Capture the Hearts and Minds of Latinos, Blacks, and Asians Leaving Democrats | This is the Real Truth About Trump's Abortion Announcement | Kenneth Ra