1. What a Tracheostomy Should be Achieving for Patients in Intensive Care!Quick Tip for Families in ICU

    What a Tracheostomy Should be Achieving for Patients in Intensive Care!Quick Tip for Families in ICU

  2. My 67-Year-Old Mother Is In ICU With Pancreatitis, Multi Organ Failure & Dialysis. Will She Survive?

    My 67-Year-Old Mother Is In ICU With Pancreatitis, Multi Organ Failure & Dialysis. Will She Survive?

  3. Still Alive In ICU After Day 10 In Spite Of Cardiac Arrest And “Doom And Gloom” From The ICU Team?

    Still Alive In ICU After Day 10 In Spite Of Cardiac Arrest And “Doom And Gloom” From The ICU Team?

  4. Dad isn't Improving on the Ventilator&ICU Says Tracheostomy Not Feasible Despite Advanced Care Plan!

    Dad isn't Improving on the Ventilator&ICU Says Tracheostomy Not Feasible Despite Advanced Care Plan!

  5. Ask me Anything! Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com, Answering Your Questions Live!

    Ask me Anything! Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com, Answering Your Questions Live!

  6. The ICU Team Told My Family that I Wouldn't Survive After Cardiac Arrest! My Family Didn't Give Up!

    The ICU Team Told My Family that I Wouldn't Survive After Cardiac Arrest! My Family Didn't Give Up!

  7. Should My Dad in ICU have the Tracheostomy Removed or Is it Too Early? Quick Tip for Families in ICU

    Should My Dad in ICU have the Tracheostomy Removed or Is it Too Early? Quick Tip for Families in ICU

  8. Why You Need an Independent Expert and Second Opinion When It Comes To Brain Death Testing In ICU?

    Why You Need an Independent Expert and Second Opinion When It Comes To Brain Death Testing In ICU?

  9. Thank You Patrik and intensivecarehotline.com for Saving My Brother's Life After Cardiac Arrest!

    Thank You Patrik and intensivecarehotline.com for Saving My Brother's Life After Cardiac Arrest!

  10. My Mother's Been in ICU for 5 Days After Cardiac Arrest, ICU Says Tracheostomy or Let Her Die! Help!

    My Mother's Been in ICU for 5 Days After Cardiac Arrest, ICU Says Tracheostomy or Let Her Die! Help!

  11. Thank You Patrik & intensivecarehotline.com Giving the Right Advice Saving My Brother's Life in ICU

    Thank You Patrik & intensivecarehotline.com Giving the Right Advice Saving My Brother's Life in ICU

  12. Duchenne Myopathy, Ventilation& Tracheostomy! Is BIPAP At Home Through Tracheostomy Reducing CO2?

    Duchenne Myopathy, Ventilation& Tracheostomy! Is BIPAP At Home Through Tracheostomy Reducing CO2?
