1. 10-04-10 If they Push the Button, and you may blow up, Seg 3 of 3 (12.42, )

    10-04-10 If they Push the Button, and you may blow up, Seg 3 of 3 (12.42, )

  2. 04-29-10 Becktips@Foxnews.com, Seg 4 (8.15, must see)

    04-29-10 Becktips@Foxnews.com, Seg 4 (8.15, must see)

  3. 04-28-10 Puerto Rico, Seg 1 of 4 (10.22, )

    04-28-10 Puerto Rico, Seg 1 of 4 (10.22, )

  4. 04-28-10 Puerto Rico Trick, Seg 2 of 4 (10.37, )

    04-28-10 Puerto Rico Trick, Seg 2 of 4 (10.37, )

  5. 04-28-10 Standing up for Freedom, Seg 4 of 4 (8.12, must see)

    04-28-10 Standing up for Freedom, Seg 4 of 4 (8.12, must see)

  6. 2010, 04-07-10 Boycotts, Seg 4 of (9.33, 10)

    2010, 04-07-10 Boycotts, Seg 4 of (9.33, 10)
