1. Wed 29May24 Our Pier-less Military — Needlessly Complex, Expensive Failures and How Theosophy/Occult Connects BOTH Parties

    Wed 29May24 Our Pier-less Military — Needlessly Complex, Expensive Failures and How Theosophy/Occult Connects BOTH Parties

  2. Putin questions EU's logic. Expensive Russian gas through Ukraine & Turkey instead of the Baltic sea

    Putin questions EU's logic. Expensive Russian gas through Ukraine & Turkey instead of the Baltic sea

  3. Bidenomics! Joe Will Make Homes More Expensive By Using YOUR Money To Pay Your Neighbor's Mortgage

    Bidenomics! Joe Will Make Homes More Expensive By Using YOUR Money To Pay Your Neighbor's Mortgage

  4. It is more affordable to fill up the gas tank in the state compared to last week.

    It is more affordable to fill up the gas tank in the state compared to last week.

  5. UAW Member Laments Everything Is So Expensive, But Still Voting Biden Because Trump’s ‘Never Done a Hard Day’s Work’

    UAW Member Laments Everything Is So Expensive, But Still Voting Biden Because Trump’s ‘Never Done a Hard Day’s Work’

  6. Mama, don't let your kids grow up to be Andrew Tate - The Jeff and Bill Show! May 30, 2024

    Mama, don't let your kids grow up to be Andrew Tate - The Jeff and Bill Show! May 30, 2024

  7. The Simpsons! Inside the Actors Studio w/ James Lipton.

    The Simpsons! Inside the Actors Studio w/ James Lipton.

  8. Greenpeace Co-Founder Warns Net Zero Policies Could Lead to Mass Starvation

    Greenpeace Co-Founder Warns Net Zero Policies Could Lead to Mass Starvation

  9. Electric Vehicles and the Great Reset: A Plan to Control Your Every Move?

    Electric Vehicles and the Great Reset: A Plan to Control Your Every Move?

  10. TODAY'S NEWS, May 29, 2024 - The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

    TODAY'S NEWS, May 29, 2024 - The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

  11. MSNBC on Trump’s Rally in the Bronx: ‘A Lot of the People ... Were First-Time Voters’

    MSNBC on Trump’s Rally in the Bronx: ‘A Lot of the People ... Were First-Time Voters’
