I don't care what your religion is Or What your Hair Looks Like! Can we talk about how electronic warefare is your new e-health one-Health 4.0. System under SDG#3 Human Augmentation Biodigital Convergence?
Is the phone that you use everyday Connected to Telecommunications systems? How about your Body? ITU-IEEE-NSF-NNI DOESN'T DO CONSPIRACY THEORY THEY DO BUSINESS! 6G BUSINESS!
"With light we are controlling the expression of a specific gene" ~ "with a full fledged laser system we can control neurons" ~ "thanks to the tools that nanotechnologies provide we can create small Antennas" Josep Jornet NSF
Bio Sensors Are Part Of Warfare Doctrines So Stop The Gaslighting Lies Saying You Can Cleanse Them When You Can't Even Tell Us All The Different Types Or Explain Biodigital Convergence 6g Systems
Bio Sensors Are Part Of Warfare Doctrines So Stop The Gaslighting Lies Saying You Can Cleanse Them When You Can't Even Tell Us All The Different Types Or Explain Biodigital Convergence 6G Systems
As soon as you realized how much they ALL LIED the past 5 years, you won't be able to stop yourself from calling them out everywhere everyday on their Feeds Of continued LIES!
They Really Think You Are Stupid And Won't Figure It Out For Yourself! Infact Their Bank Account$ Rely On You Not Figuring It Out For Yourself! #StopTheGrift