1. 12-15-09 Al Gore LIES again, Seg 5 of 6 (6.41, 10) m

    12-15-09 Al Gore LIES again, Seg 5 of 6 (6.41, 10) m

  2. 12-14-09 Protest in the Steets by the LEFT, Seg 3 of 5 (4.41, ) m

    12-14-09 Protest in the Steets by the LEFT, Seg 3 of 5 (4.41, ) m

  3. 06-18-10 Father's day Weekend, Friday, Seg 2 (10.41, 10)

    06-18-10 Father's day Weekend, Friday, Seg 2 (10.41, 10)

  4. 08-25-10 collapse the System, Seg 2 of 3 (7.41, )

    08-25-10 collapse the System, Seg 2 of 3 (7.41, )

  5. 12-15-09 Al Gore LIES again, Seg 5 of 6 (6.41, 10) m

    12-15-09 Al Gore LIES again, Seg 5 of 6 (6.41, 10) m

  6. 12-06-10 Beware The False Profits, Seg 1 (14.41, )

    12-06-10 Beware The False Profits, Seg 1 (14.41, )
