3 months agoIt's already here - Spiritual Warfare through #Jesus sees the end from the beginning #war #hopeTheFourthWatch
2 months agoPREPARE TO ENGAGE - EZER Women's Bible Study Psalm 18 #jesus #christianity #hope #authorityTheFourthWatch
2 days agoHOPE - Earthly hope and expectation has to die, to take hold of God's hope for us in #JesusTheFourthWatch
6 months agoKeep Going - the Spiritual Warfare rages on, and God's Word is commanding us #jesus #trump #hopeTheFourthWatch
1 year agoXxXtantation song hope #xxxtantationhopesong #song #hope #xxx #xxttantation #tantation #viralsongOfficailadarsuc
3 years ago“Looking for a good mattress and good pillows Always struggled #Shorts ##LoveNotes #XXX Live XXXXXEntertaning videos
3 months agoIt's almost time - People are either blind, pretending to be asleep or already dead #jesusTheFourthWatch
2 months agoRESTART - Do not remember the former things, for BEHOLD #Jesus is doing a new thing #endtimesTheFourthWatch
3 days agoJEHOVA NISSI - The Lord our Banner - Exodus 17 - Ezer Women's Bible study #jesusTheFourthWatch
6 days agoMORE in Jesus name - More Kingdom, more souls, more spiritual warfare through ChristTheFourthWatch
5 days agoWild & Unfaithful - The VInedresser & the wildly unfaithful/disappointing grapes rejected by #JesusTheFourthWatch
4 days agoThe Evil Time - a 3,000 year old prophesy of endurance, inheritance and strength from GodTheFourthWatch
7 days agoSpiritual Adultery stops your prayer from being answered - and it's generational #jesusTheFourthWatch
16 days agoSearch me, and know me - You're known in the heavens, by God and others - #jesus is watchingTheFourthWatch
10 days agoWomen's Bible Study - RELEASE THE SPOILS - Isaiah 53:12, Numbers 31, Psalm 119 & Mark 20TheFourthWatch
9 days agoGod's Justice - Biblical justification for Spiritual Warfare foundation that led to Ephesian ArmorTheFourthWatch
17 days agoBear much Fruit - Jesus commands us to be fruitful all the time, seasons don't apply #ezerTheFourthWatch
18 days agoChristian Extremist - Preparing to walk in the dark reality of your Biblical destiny for #JesusTheFourthWatch