Wikipedia | "Wikipedia Made A Real Effort At Neutrality For Its First 5 Years Then It Began a Long Slide Into Leftist Propaganda. They Follow the News Media & Gotten Rid of Almost All Conservative News Sources." - Larry Sanger
Elon Musk | "Elon Musk, He's Literally Building With His Companies Most of the Backbone for the Great Reset. Look Up Components of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Elon Musk Is Building Out Almost All of This."
Bird Flu | Will Misused Tests Be Used Once Again to Create the Next Plandemic? "We PCR You Can Find Almost Anything In Anybody." - Doctor Kary Mullis (The Inventor of the Polymerase Chain Reaction Test)
Joe Biden | "It Almost Looks Like It Is a Different Tan." - Patrick Bet-David | "Jonna Mendez Was the Former Disguise Officer of the CIA & Her Job Was to Make Different Masks of People to Make Them Look Real." - Patrick Bet-David