Space Fence & Mind Control – Conversation with Elana Freeland | Direct links to mentioned and other documentaries BELOW in the description box, underneath this video
Artificial Womb Facility | EctoLife Artificial Womb Facility (FULL LENGTH PRESENTATION) "Everything That Is Encoded In Memory You Could Upload and Store Your Memories As a Backup and Download Them Into a NEW BODY." - Elon Musk
Maui Fires | "Japanese And Local Astronomers Said a Chinese Satellite Has Been Caught On Video Beaming Down Green Lasers Over the Hawaiin Islands." - February 11th 2023 (KHON2 News) + The Maui Fires Explained (FULL LENGTH VERSION)
Elon Musk | February 14th 2025 | Why Did Elon Musk Post the Following Video On February 14th 2025? WATCH THIS VIDEO 5X + "Perhaps Still a Role for Humans In That We May Give AI Meaning." - Elon Musk 5/23/2024