2 months agoDRONE CONSPIRACIES *WILLOW* Quantum Computer ALARM!! CANADA, & Q1-Q2 PROTECTION!!JosephZLiveVerified
2 years agoDay time TR-3B sighting in Canada? They're hiding in plain sight. UFO sightings everywhere.DiscloseScreenTheGrimreefar
1 year agoUFO sighting in Northern Canada - Canadian news speaks to eyewitnesses (1972)Oppenheimer Ranch Project
2 years agoSteve Quayle joins Mike Adams to discuss UFOs, Mars, ancient aliens and the satanic war on humanityHealth Ranger Report
6 months agoSpacecraft here in Canada that I film every night. Not a joke. Rarest Ufo VideosBruceSeesAll
1 month agoUFOs in the Fires | Canada Convoy Anniversary | Nickelodeon Epstein Island [DISCUSSION]SuspectSky
11 months agoChris Rutkowski, discuses a new survey of 570 UFO sightings in Canada for 2023.Teresa677
3 years agoCanada Full Tyranny | CDC Lowers Expectations | Did the Invasion Happen [DISCUSSION]SuspectSky
2 years agoA giant humanoid figure filmed on top of a mountain in Canada. Witness claims to be stalked by CIA.DiscloseScreenTheGrimreefar
8 days agoShadow of Ezra - A “football-sized” cylindrical UFO was reported by a U.S. Air Force pilot during a secret flight over CaliforniaVincentFuscoQ
1 year agoRed UFO Orb Filmed Over Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, September 26, 2023UFO Sightings Footage bringing you regional UFO and UAP news
2 years agoBREAKING: UFO SHOT DOWN BY GOVERNMENT! - Project Blue Beam BEGINS! - False Flag Alien Invasion?World Alternative Media
2 years agoDreamland with Art Bell - Budd Hopkins - Alien Abductions, contact, UFO, sightings, 1999-02-07StrangeHighwaysMedia
5 months agoALIEN INVASION PSYOP ‘Clear and present danger’ | US police given new UFO handbook. Police have been given guidelines on dealing with sightings of ‘anomalous’ objects in the sky | BE SURE to also watch the videos linked in the description BELOW!!RAVries