Friday Night Shabbat: In A Stunning Miracle, Jesus Connects Me With A Very Special Subscriber, Holy Spirit Reveals To Me Further Confirmation That My Prophecy Came True & I Am A True Prophet of Jesus, Exalting His Word and Magnifying Shabbat!
I Am Proven A True Prophet of Yah: Jesus HATES You America and Sent Hurricane Helene & Now Sends A Judgment Twice As Bad -- Hurricane Milton Cat 5 -- Because Jesus and His Father Hate Your Wicked trump, Jesus Hates Your Wicked Backslidings, Repent Ame
False Prophet Celestial - AKA Esther -- Exposed Once More -- My Former Friends Kris and Brenda Smith of Fayetteville Arkansas REFUSE to Repent, Wake Up You Wicked Subscribers!!!! A Warning To Those Opposed To This Ministry