1. Tracheostomy Care | Tracheostomy Nursing Care | Tracheostomy Care Hyderabad

    Tracheostomy Care | Tracheostomy Nursing Care | Tracheostomy Care Hyderabad

  2. The Hospital Wants to Push My Brother Out with a Tracheostomy! Help! Quick Tip for Families In ICU!

    The Hospital Wants to Push My Brother Out with a Tracheostomy! Help! Quick Tip for Families In ICU!

  3. My Husband's Oxygen Saturation Went Down Rapidly, Now He's Back on the Ventilator with Tracheostomy!

    My Husband's Oxygen Saturation Went Down Rapidly, Now He's Back on the Ventilator with Tracheostomy!

  4. My Dad's in ICU with Tracheostomy, ICU Wants to Remove the Tracheostomy Despite the Trachea Cuff Up?

    My Dad's in ICU with Tracheostomy, ICU Wants to Remove the Tracheostomy Despite the Trachea Cuff Up?

  5. Can You Tell Me if My Ventilated Child in ICU with a Tracheostomy is Breathing Spontaneously or Not?

    Can You Tell Me if My Ventilated Child in ICU with a Tracheostomy is Breathing Spontaneously or Not?

  6. My 58-Year-Old Dad is at Day 17 in ICU after Haemorrhagic Stroke, Does He Need a Tracheostomy?

    My 58-Year-Old Dad is at Day 17 in ICU after Haemorrhagic Stroke, Does He Need a Tracheostomy?

  7. My Dad has a Tracheostomy and is Not Ventilated, Does the Tracheostomy Cuff Need to be Inflated?

    My Dad has a Tracheostomy and is Not Ventilated, Does the Tracheostomy Cuff Need to be Inflated?

  8. How Can The Copious Tracheostomy Secretions For My Husband In ICU Be Reduced?

    How Can The Copious Tracheostomy Secretions For My Husband In ICU Be Reduced?

  9. My Sister’s been on ECMO for 5 Days for Pneumonia, Will She Get Off ECMO and Avoid a Tracheostomy?

    My Sister’s been on ECMO for 5 Days for Pneumonia, Will She Get Off ECMO and Avoid a Tracheostomy?

  10. Mom Hasn't Woken Up for Months After Brain Bleed! She's In& Out of ICU on Ventilation & Tracheostomy

    Mom Hasn't Woken Up for Months After Brain Bleed! She's In& Out of ICU on Ventilation & Tracheostomy

  11. My Husband's Back in ICU with Tracheostomy After Being Home,Does He Need ICU Nurses to Go Back Home?

    My Husband's Back in ICU with Tracheostomy After Being Home,Does He Need ICU Nurses to Go Back Home?

  12. My Brother's in ICU with Cardiac Arrest,Sepsis,Ventilated&Induced Coma, Will He Need a Tracheostomy?

    My Brother's in ICU with Cardiac Arrest,Sepsis,Ventilated&Induced Coma, Will He Need a Tracheostomy?

  13. My Dad had Heart Issues and Now has a PEG Tube After the Tracheostomy in ICU, Will He Be OK?

    My Dad had Heart Issues and Now has a PEG Tube After the Tracheostomy in ICU, Will He Be OK?

  14. My Brother's Been in ICU 4 Weeks for Sepsis! He’s Still Ventilated & Tracheostomy&I Fear He's Dying!

    My Brother's Been in ICU 4 Weeks for Sepsis! He’s Still Ventilated & Tracheostomy&I Fear He's Dying!

  15. Husband is in ICU 14 weeks with Guillain barre syndrome on ventilator& tracheostomy can he go home?

    Husband is in ICU 14 weeks with Guillain barre syndrome on ventilator& tracheostomy can he go home?

  16. Girlfriend’s in ICU with Seizures and tracheostomy. Why is it Important for Her to Be Mobilized?

    Girlfriend’s in ICU with Seizures and tracheostomy. Why is it Important for Her to Be Mobilized?

  17. ICU Wants to Move Dad with Tracheostomy & Brain Injury to LTAC Even Though He's Still Sleepy! Help!

    ICU Wants to Move Dad with Tracheostomy & Brain Injury to LTAC Even Though He's Still Sleepy! Help!

  18. Thank You Patrik and His Amazing Team Helping My Husband to Get Extubated, No Tracheostomy Needed!

    Thank You Patrik and His Amazing Team Helping My Husband to Get Extubated, No Tracheostomy Needed!

  19. My Husband's Oxygen Saturation Went Down Rapidly, Now He's Back on the Ventilator with Tracheostomy!

    My Husband's Oxygen Saturation Went Down Rapidly, Now He's Back on the Ventilator with Tracheostomy!

  20. Is Changing the Inner Cannula for My Husband's Tracheostomy Twice a Day Sufficient?

    Is Changing the Inner Cannula for My Husband's Tracheostomy Twice a Day Sufficient?

  21. My Husband's Back in ICU with a Fever and Infection,Was it Safe to Take Him Home with a Tracheostomy

    My Husband's Back in ICU with a Fever and Infection,Was it Safe to Take Him Home with a Tracheostomy

  22. Can My Husband have the Tracheostomy Removed in ICU After the Swallowing Test? Can He Eat& Drink?

    Can My Husband have the Tracheostomy Removed in ICU After the Swallowing Test? Can He Eat& Drink?

  23. Weaning Off the Ventilator and Tracheostomy in ICU is a Marathon and Not a Sprint!

    Weaning Off the Ventilator and Tracheostomy in ICU is a Marathon and Not a Sprint!

  24. Why did the palliative care team withheld crucial information about tracheostomy option for Mom?

    Why did the palliative care team withheld crucial information about tracheostomy option for Mom?

  25. Quick tip for families in ICU: Is ICP& tracheostomy needed after subarrhachnoid haemorrhage in ICU?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Is ICP& tracheostomy needed after subarrhachnoid haemorrhage in ICU?
