22 days ago"I think there's a third strand to our DNA at the Planck scale." - Dave RossiQuestion EverythingVerified
1 year agoWhy Queen Elizabeth lit the Triple Helix Beacon? To Celebrate Transhumanism – A THIRD Strand of DNAWaking the World up
2 years agoThe HIGHER SELF MIND could not only perceive in the highest frequency bands of the third dimension,THE LIGHT IS THE TRUTH
1 year agoThe secret of the 144,000, the third strand DNAThe Rio Times: Latin America and Alternative Narratives
2 years agoIf the EGO makes a conscious effort to allow its HIGHER SELF TO SPEAK, the third DNA strand assemblyTHE LIGHT IS THE TRUTH
1 year ago'Divine Image Destroyed' - the spiritual Devastation Caused by the Vaccine - Christine BeadsworthFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoAnthony Patch – What he said in 2014 about a “Vaccine Agenda” & and what he is saying now in 2025Waking the World up
2 years agoCeleste Solum discusses DARPA Project Blue Beam - The SIGNS and WONDERS of the Antichrist Kingdom!Rogersings
2 years agoThrough the MUTATION IN THE THRID DNA strand, which manifested as a division within the THIRD CHAKRATHE LIGHT IS THE TRUTH