Lou Ferrigno | "The Incredible Hulk" Joins Clay Clark In Studio to Drop Life-Changing Knowledge Bombs About: Starting Weightlifting At Age 13, Winning Mr. Universe, Becoming the Incredible Hulk, the Mindset of Champions
John Rich & Jordan Peterson | Highlights Including: The Book of Revelation, The Bible Is Not a Metaphor, Repentance, Salvation, "You (Jordan Peterson) Could Be One of the Most Powerful Weapons In the Hand of God." - 8/9/2024
The Gilgamesh Project | "(Hitler & Stalin) What Would They Do W/ the Technology That I'm Developing?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "If You Look At the Book of Professor Harari You See Brain Advancement." - Klaus Schwab + "Our Sp
Yuval Noah Harari | "Tell Us the Story Why It Was Decided That This Huge Book Should Be Represented In the Book Shop By a Pigeon?" - Robin Ince | "In Hebrew, the Word for Dove Is Also Pigeon." - Yuval Noah Harari | Matt 24:37
Klaus Schwab | "The New Technology Innovation, the Fourth One, Is Changing to a Large Extent Ourselves. If You Look at the Book of Professor Yuval Noah Harari Homo Deus You See Brain Advancement. It's Augmenting Ourselves."
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Found Where Yuval Noah Harari Was Considered the Brain of Klaus Schwab In the Book Technocracy: Hard Road to World Order." - Patrick Bet-David + "The Moment Surveillance Started Going Under the Skin."
Elon Musk | "Wernher von Braun's Book Spoke That the Head of the Mars Colony Would Be The Elon...I Thought, I'd Like That Name for Elon, Because It Means Something to Me." - Errol Musk (Musk's Father ) | Wernher von Braun