The Epstein Awards | The Jeffrey Epstein Awards Presented By Jackassery & Featuring: Ellen, Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Tom Hanks & Team Satan
Meat | What Is Inside the Synthetic Meat Being Pushed By Bill Gates, Yuval Noah Harari, John Kerry & Others? THIS SHOW WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!!! What Is In Synthetic / Clean Meat?
Bill Gates | "Have You Met w/ Trump Since the Election?" - WSJ + "I Had a Chance to Have a Long & Intriguing Dinner w/ Him...It Was Over 3 Hours..In the COVID Days He Accelerated the Vaccine Innovation."- Bill Gates (1/17/25)
Bill Gates | "Have You Met w/ Trump Since the Election?" - WSJ + "I Had a Chance to Have a Long & Intriguing Dinner w/ Him...It Was Over 3 Hours..In the COVID Days He Accelerated the Vaccine Innovation."- Bill Gates (1/17/25)
Bill Gates | BREAKING NEWS!!! Does Bill Gates Look Like a Turtle? "I Had a Long & Intriguing Dinner w/ Him (Trump)...It Was Over 3 Hours..In the COVID Days He Accelerated the Vaccine Innovation."- Bill Gates (1/17/25)
Universal Basic Income | "It Is My Privilege, Honor & Responsibility to Be the Sponsor of S-233. The Bill Would Introduce a Framework to Develop a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income." - Ottawa Senator Kim Pate (Oct 17th 2023)