University of South Alabama: When I Arrive On Campus Another Campus Preacher (Pastor Jacob) Was Already Preaching, After He Finishes I Preach For About An Hour, Give 200 Gospel Tracts To A Born Again Student Named Brian, Great Day of Gospel Preaching!
Northern Kentucky U: Students Waiting For Me When I Arrived, A Black Woman Asks Many Questions But Then Becomes A Mocker, Exalting the Gospel of Jesus, Passing Out Gospel Tracts To Hungry Students At The End
University of South Alabama: A Fairly Quiet Day Of Preaching the Gospel, Encouraging A Sincere Christian And Speaking with A Professing Christian, Warning the Students About the Antichrist Donald Trump and The Approaching 7 Year Tribulation
Mississippi State University: After Preaching Only 30 Minutes My Vocal Cords Crack and Break, I Lose My Voice, Explain to One Student about Judging, Pass Out Lots of Gospel Tracts, Warn Students Of Antichrist Trump and Approaching 7 Year Tribulation