2015 leaked recording of US State Department official Victoria Nuland discussing how Washington handpicked the post-coup Ukrainian government.This of course was once Soros had successfully orchestrated the colour revolution that overthrew the government.
The violent overthrow of Ukraine's elected government caused the Russian-speaking populations of Eastern Ukraine to vote to break apart from the newly formed western-backed government in Ukraine.
8-minute speech by a well-known footballer (Matt le Tissier) in front of the BBC, shaming them for their wicked collaboration with our corrupt government in injuring and killing innocent people with their "vaccines".
What makes you think they will treat Civilians any different when the "Government" sicks the military on its own citizens??? -MINDLESS ORDER FOLLOWERS!
David Lindsay: "One of the recommendations that is going to come from the hearing – is anytime you protest, for longer than 2 days, it’s now going to be termed an occupation, where the government can bring in the Emergencies Act.
Niagara Falls recently declared a state of emergency for mental health, opioid addiction and homelessness. The Federal Government continues to send illegal immigrants to Niagara, costing the city $5M in social services and has rented out 2000 hotels
CIA Director John Brennan visited Kyiv, and Ukraine's new government launched an "anti-terrorist operation" to suppress the protests in Eastern Ukraine. Millions of innocent civilians were caught in the crossfire of a geopolitical chess mat