4 months ago(October 2024) Mount of Olives Tour Part 3! Garden of Gethsemane, Jerusalem! - Dr. Todd FinkCoriencio
8 months ago(February 2024) Mystic Ancient Petra Tour! The Famous Treasury, & History! - Dr. Todd FinkCoriencio
2 years agoAlfonso Longo: transhumanismo, cuarta revolución industrial, gran reinicio, la agenda 2030.PeriodistaLibre
1 year ago(November 2022) Must See New Evidence that Proves the Temple was on the Temple Mt! - Dr. Todd FinkCoriencio
2 years ago2023/009 Comment Macron a vendu le système des retraites français à BlackRock dès son investiture !laileastick
7 months ago(June 2024) Mount of Olives Tour Part 1: Jesus Ascension & Return, Jerusalem - Dr. Todd FinkCoriencio