(Looks like they are gonna pull out "Project Bluebeam") Pentagon officials theorize that aliens could be visiting our solar system and releasing small probes,
"Not Everyone Can go, Alex!" Roseanne on Alex Jones 3/4/23 (She Arrives at 1:25:00) | Historical “Team-Up”, LITERALLY with Ideas on How to Build New Earth — ROSEANNE IS ON FIRE!
The Method of Making This Your Last Time on Earth — Isabella Greene CHALLENGES Conventional New Age Ideas Here on Next Level Soul Podcast | WE in 5D: And I Completely Agree w/ Her; IF the Soul is Able to Get Passed ITS OWN Dogma, Never Mind Religion.
M.L. Redneck Renegade and Kerry Cassidy with the Earth Shattering Inconvenient Truth (12/15/22). [WE in 5D Has —BEEN— Speaking This for Some Time Already]. 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT
Climate Emergency | On January 26th 2021, Why Did Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Say "I Think It Would Be a Good Idea for Biden to Call for a Climate Emergency?"