Introducing Jessie, Her Family, 14 Bloodlines of the Illuminati + This is Spiritual, It's Not Just a Religion but it's How the World is Governed, with Satan in Charge + Military Projects, Working with Spiritual Gates
Timothy Charles Holmseth is Credible, Top Illuminati Assassins were Hired to Kill Him, That Doesn't Happen if There is No Perceived Threat + The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force (PPTF) is Real, Trump Said There Was No Presidential PPTF
Clip of an Exorcism with Ed and Lorraine Warren + Changeling Spirits, Illuminati Protectors, Vampires and Werewolves, Connected to Spirits at the Age of 5 + It's Not an Illusion, Their Bones Actually Do Move
Halloween Events, Witches and Vampires + The Illuminati Ball Had to Be Cancelled + Most of the Top Rothschilds Are Gone, The Dark Side of the System Has Fallen and the Light Side of the System is Taking Over
Comments on Trump-Biden Debate, Trump's Answers About What He Had Achieved, The Stimulus Package + Trump Bailed the People Out Not the Banks, He Took Money from the Illuminati