Jami Sullins | "If You're Going Through Hell, Keep Going." - Winston Churchill (The Prime Minister of the U.K. During WWII) + Cancer Survivor, Podcaster & Entrepreneur Shares the Mindset Needed to Beat Cancer & Win In Life!
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "The Exciting Atmosphere Makes It Better to Learn. It's Not Dry, Boring. My Favorite Aspect of the Workshop of Seeing Other Businesses That Have Succeeded That Were At the Place We're At."
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "For Years I Worked With a Marketing Company & I've Spent Thousands, However...Now I've Only Been a Client for 3 Weeks & It's Huge! I'm Getting More Phone Calls. I've Seen Immediate Re
Robert Kiyosaki | What Was It Like to Write Two Books With Donald J. Trump? "He Is a Fantastic Man! We're Closely Aligned In Philosophy. That's Why We Did It. One Day He Called Me & Said, Robert I'm Going to Run for President."