Univ of Maryland: Reproving the Pedophilia In Islam/Stomping on Koran, Reproving the Pedophilia in the Babylonian Talmud-Rebuking The Unbelieving Jews, Exalting Jesus Christ! A Wicked Reprobate Claims You Can Have Holy Spirit While Murdering!!!!
Montclaire University: 3 Young Men Eager To Be Preachers Are Offended When I Rebuke A Loud Mouthed Jezebel, I Stomp On the Koran, Minister To A Humble Roman Catholic Student, Martin Seeks How To Be Born Again -- HUGE VICTORY IN JESUS!!!!
University of Maryland: Started Out With Calm Conversations w/ Small Groups, Then I Rebuked A Proud Muslim for Muhammed's Pedophilia, Holy Spirit Tells Me To Throw My Koran On The Ground and Stomp On It, Draws Large Crowd, I Rebuke A Hypocrite
Re-upload Because 1st Time Did Not Work: Penn State: Jeff, Jon & Myself Start Preaching, Then Crowd Is Drawn, I Stomp On Koran, Homosexual Rages At Jeff, We All Pray For Him, Homosexual Blares Boom Box, I Pray Boom Box Breaks & Then It Breaks!