14 days agoSpeakers Corner - A Muslim Is Taking In What Orlando Says - The Prophets Were Not MuslimSPEAKERS CORNER
14 days agoSpeakers Corner-Fight Nearly Breaks Out Again With Muslim-A Muslim Thinks Mansur Won't Run From JudeSPEAKERS CORNER
10 months agoSpeakers Corner - A Muslim Learns That Allah Will Put Muslim Sins On Jews & ChristainsSPEAKERS CORNER
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1 month agoHelping Muslim understand contradictions in the Quran & more | (Ish) | Speakers Corner DebateSOCOFILMS
2 days agoSpeakers Corner-Young Bob & David Talk To Muslim Guy Who Believes In a Weird Sect-Muslim Lady DoubtsSPEAKERS CORNER
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2 days agoSpeakers Corner - Muslims Are In Denial When Ex Muslim Ish Shows Them The Quran Is Not PreservedSPEAKERS CORNER
6 months agoMuslim lady taken to school on wife bèating | Bob | Speakers' Corner Debate #socofilmsSOCOFILMS
1 month agoSpeakers Corner_Muslim Struggles To Answer Ish, Why Allah Confirms Books That He Says Are Corrupted_SPEAKERS CORNER
1 month agoSpeakers Corner-Junior vs Muslim-Was Muhammad a Prophet.-Canon Of Bible-Does Only Allah Know Future.SPEAKERS CORNER
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1 month agoSpeakers Corner - Uncle Sam talks to a Muslim lady who does not know what ChristSPEAKERS CORNER
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