7 months agoEND GAME Roundtable”The Shot Heard Around The World!” Q Drops, Law of War, CIC Trump EOs. What Next?THE SOVEREIGN SOUL ShowVerified
1 month agoWWG1WGA America Is Back! President Trump's Executive Orders & Law of War w/ Derek Johnson, Brad WoznyTHE SOVEREIGN SOUL ShowVerified
5 months ago⚡️SEND IT SUNDAY⚡️Law Of War EOs COG Roundtable w/Derek Johnson, LTC Bosi (r), COL. Chuck Sellers(r)THE SOVEREIGN SOUL ShowVerified
4 months agoWWG1WGA -Derek Johnson, Brad Wozny, AJ Roberts- MAGA Earth, [DS] War w/Space Force, Law of War, COGTHE SOVEREIGN SOUL ShowVerified
4 months agoWWG1WGA -Derek Johnson, Brad Wozny- MAGA Win over [DS] Propaganda Pushers, Nov 5th, Law of War, COGTHE SOVEREIGN SOUL ShowVerified
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6 months agoF😂CKIT FRYDAY Military Call Out, [DS] Courts Crushed by Common Law, Norman Traversy & Sovereign DanTHE SOVEREIGN SOUL ShowVerified
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5 months agoWWG1WGA Weekly-Derek Johnson, Brad Wozny-Trump EOs, COG, Law of WAR PLAN to Save the World from [DS]THE SOVEREIGN SOUL ShowVerified
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6 months agoWWG1WGA Weekly-Derek Johnson, Brad Wozny-Trump EOs, COG, Law of WAR PLAN to Save the World from [DS]THE SOVEREIGN SOUL ShowVerified
5 months agoWWG1WGA-Derek Johnson/Brad Wozny-2nd Trump Assassin Attempt by [DS], Diddy a Pedophile, Law of WARTHE SOVEREIGN SOUL ShowVerified
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6 months agoSEND IT SUNDAY "InterStellar War" & the Law of Peace Manual, Harnessing Cosmic Ascension over CabalTHE SOVEREIGN SOUL ShowVerified
6 months agoF😂CKIT FRYDAY Law Of War Roundtable: Hammering Deep State before the EVENT, CIC Trump Comms & MoreTHE SOVEREIGN SOUL ShowVerified
7 months agoF😂CKIT FRYDAY🇨🇦CanAm🇺🇸 Special! How Kevin Hoyt & Dan Use Law Of War Manual on Corrupt Courts & MoreTHE SOVEREIGN SOUL ShowVerified
1 year agoLIVE: Trump POLITICALLY PERSECUTED, RESTRICT Law Is Patriot Act On STEROIDS, BLOODY Culture WarsStew Peters NetworkVerified
4 months agoWWG1WGA -Derek Johnson, Brad Wozny- MAGA Win over [DS] Propaganda Pushers, Nov 5th, Law of War, COGSierraDelta
8 months agoWe The People+Law of War: NCSWIC, QUO WARRANTO Served! Maj. General Vallely, SGAnon, Norman TraversyTHE SOVEREIGN SOUL ShowVerified
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