2 months agoMy 15 Years of Being a Viewer of the Internet, Why the Internet is NOT real no more.InkDemonStephen2
1 year agoI trolled a streamer in his chat and in voice at the same time | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoI trolled a little bit too hard in Modern Warfare | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoThese guys are the reason Fortnite is disabling Voice Chat next season | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoThey called me a bad mercy, little did they know i'm grandmaster | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoThey called me the worst torbjorn, little did they know i'm grandmaster | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agograndmaster pretending to be a noob (Everyone fell for it) | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoMercy main yells cursewords at me... then his parents walked on him | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoThey called me a bronze roadhog, little did they know i'm grandmaster | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoCrazy American loses his mind at me and a innocent French guy | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoI insulted my teammates friends dog and Winston gets all islamoph0bic | MaximilianMusMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoI did the world a favor by reporting this guy... watch and you'll agree | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoI complimented a girl gamers mom and she threatend to ban me | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoPress this during the loading menu to respawn in the same match | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoshutting down toxicity in Modern Warfare with logic | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoThey called me a noob bastion, little did they know i'm grandmaster | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoTrolling fake military tough guys in Modern Warfare | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoI legit got this guy to put his mom on the mic... by throwing and then i carried | MaximilianMusMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoWhole team wanted me to switch off Widow... they changed their mind fast | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive
1 year agoJewish Lucio Main loses his mind and his SR in Overwatch | MaximilianMus ArchiveMaximilianMusArchive