SANFORD & SON - “ CHRIST WAS NOT WHITE, HE WAS & IS A SO CALLED BLACK MAN FROM THE TRIBE OF JUDAH” 🕎Revelation 1:5-18 “His head & his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow, his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned”
WW3 Update: Squirrel Tribe: I'm sorry, this has gone too far!! Tim Walz: People are coming forward about his Pedophile Behavior with Young Boys and His Gay Club, Sorry, about the “F” Bombs but this upsets me (PT 1) 51m
WW3 Update: Squirrel Tribe: This is getting crazy!! Tim Walz: People are coming forward about his Pedophile Behavior with Young Boys. Sorry, about the “F” Bombs (PT 2) 35m