North Carolina Floods | The U.S. Has Over 6 Million Tons of Identified Lithium Resources. The Majority of This Lithium Has Been Identified In Kings Mountain, North Carolina." - U.S. Geological Survey + Weather Modification 101?
Bo Polny | Why Was Trump Spared? The Elul Factor? Bo Polny Breaks Down Daniel 12:4, Revelation 12:4, Daniel 12:1, Daniel 12:11 + Is Trump Anointed to Lead America? 70 Years? “God Raises Kings & Knocks Them Down.” - Bo Polny
How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium · Oct 1, 2024 Greg Reese · The lithium rich mines in North Carolina and the thieves who occupy "government" | Find many links to weather weaponization documentaries BELOW in the descripti
LASHAWAN QADASH ANCIENT PALEO HEBREW, BACK TO THE TIME OF KING DAVID: ARCHEOLOGY CONFIRMS BIBLE- 3,000 YEAR OLD HEBREW TEXT DISCOVERY. 🕎 Jeremiah 8:1-13 “At that time, saith the LORD, they shall bring out the bones of the kings of Judah”