Geneva | Does the Bible Say Satan Dwells In Geneva, Switzerland? (READ: Revelation 9:11 & Rev 2:13) | Why Are CERN, the World Health Organization, the United Nations & the Google Quantum Computer All Located In Geneva?
SATAN | Could Something Satanic Be Happening Where Satan Dwells? | READ: Revelation 2:13 & Revelation 9:11 | Why Are CERN, the Google Quantum Computer, the WEF, the World Health Organization, the United Nations & GAVI All Based In Geneva?
The Georgia Guidestones | Sheila Holm Shares the Truth About the Georgia Guidestones, Ted Turner, Easter Eggs, the United Nations, & Pagan Holidays Being Celebrated by Christians in America
Israel | The Biblical Significance of War In Israel | It's All Unfolding Like th Bible Said It Would!!! Zechariah 12, Luke 21 Matthew 24, Mark 13, Gog, Magog, United Nations, One World Gov, Mark of the Beast, China, Russia, Palestine, etc.