What Are the Different Types Of Biosensors, Their Current Uses And Future Trends? - 5/6G "And Beyond" THZ BIOSENSING SDG DIGITAL IMT-2030 6G (BAN)mRnA-LNPnano|MC|IoBnT
A New Frontier for Wireless Networks: Intra-body Communication and Sensing | Seminar WIoT Institute - Anna Vizziello, from the University of Pavia, discusses the technologies driving innovation in body area networks to face the specific challenges
(2020) PANACEA: Remotely controlling cells wirelessly with Your mobile phone, Implantable bioelectronic devices Including engineered Ecoli/Bacteria fluorescent bionanosensors
6G International Webinar - Dr. Josep Jornet - Optogenomic Interfaces: Controlling Neuronal Networks through Light-Mediated Programming of Genomic Networks. 2024
Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks: MAC and Routing Protocols for Patient Monitoring under IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.15.6 - NASA Thz Biosensing nano (SAI)
The future of digital identity: DNA, AI and blockchains, Alan Radford, explores the potential of DNA-based identity verification through blockchain technology and the evolving role of nonhuman identities in the digital age.
Physical-Layer Security in 6G Networks 2021 IEEE Open Journal of Communications - “The sixth generation (6G) of mobile network will be composed by different nodes, from macro-devices (satellite) to nano-devices (sensors inside the human body)...