1. DSP Spends $1367 On WWE Champions, Dumb QnA After Wage Quit

    DSP Spends $1367 On WWE Champions, Dumb QnA After Wage Quit

  2. This is How You DON'T Play Hades - Complete Unabridged Remastered KingDDDuke Edition - TiHYDP #7

    This is How You DON'T Play Hades - Complete Unabridged Remastered KingDDDuke Edition - TiHYDP #7

  3. This is How You DON'T Play Horizon Forbidden West - ABRIDGED Death Edition - TiHYDPA #13

    This is How You DON'T Play Horizon Forbidden West - ABRIDGED Death Edition - TiHYDPA #13

  4. This is How You DON'T Play TMNT The Cowabunga Collection - Death, Rewind, Reload, & Quits - TiHYDP69

    This is How You DON'T Play TMNT The Cowabunga Collection - Death, Rewind, Reload, & Quits - TiHYDP69

  5. This is How You DON'T Play Horizon Forbidden West - KingDDDuke - TiHYDP #25

    This is How You DON'T Play Horizon Forbidden West - KingDDDuke - TiHYDP #25

  6. This is How You DON'T Play Kirby and the Forgotten Land Abridged Fail Count KingDDDuke - #TiHYDPA #3

    This is How You DON'T Play Kirby and the Forgotten Land Abridged Fail Count KingDDDuke - #TiHYDPA #3

  7. This is How You DO Play Ghost 'n Goblins Resurrection - Full Game Playthrough by DSPGaming

    This is How You DO Play Ghost 'n Goblins Resurrection - Full Game Playthrough by DSPGaming

  8. DSP Tries It: Dating in Killer is Dead - Being Confused About Staring at Girls Mechanic - KingDDDuke

    DSP Tries It: Dating in Killer is Dead - Being Confused About Staring at Girls Mechanic - KingDDDuke

  9. This is How You DON'T Play Super Ghouls 'n Ghost (2019) - Death Edition -KingDDDuke -TiHYDP #85

    This is How You DON'T Play Super Ghouls 'n Ghost (2019) - Death Edition -KingDDDuke -TiHYDP #85

  10. TiHYDP TMNT Out of the Shadows - Death, Error, & Mini Game Edition - WAGE QUIT - KingDDDuke 178

    TiHYDP TMNT Out of the Shadows - Death, Error, & Mini Game Edition - WAGE QUIT - KingDDDuke 178

  11. TiHYDP Comix Zone - DSP Wage Quits After 3 deaths #SegaGenesisMini #thisishowyoudontplay #DSPTriesIt

    TiHYDP Comix Zone - DSP Wage Quits After 3 deaths #SegaGenesisMini #thisishowyoudontplay #DSPTriesIt

  12. This is How You DON'T Play Ghouls 'n Ghost - Sega Genesis Mini - Death Ed.- KingDDDuke - TiHYDP #82

    This is How You DON'T Play Ghouls 'n Ghost - Sega Genesis Mini - Death Ed.- KingDDDuke - TiHYDP #82

  13. DSP Wage Quits ComixZone After 3 Deaths

    DSP Wage Quits ComixZone After 3 Deaths

  14. TiHYDP Killer is Dead Abridged Death and Failure Edition - This is How You DON'T Play KingDDDuke

    TiHYDP Killer is Dead Abridged Death and Failure Edition - This is How You DON'T Play KingDDDuke

  15. DSP Rants About Beyond Oasis 1st Boss & Justifies Rage Quit #DSPRageQuit #SegaGenesisMini #DSPGamnig

    DSP Rants About Beyond Oasis 1st Boss & Justifies Rage Quit #DSPRageQuit #SegaGenesisMini #DSPGamnig

  16. This is How You DON'T Play SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos - Defeat, Quit, & Disconnect Ed - TiHYDP 233

    This is How You DON'T Play SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos - Defeat, Quit, & Disconnect Ed - TiHYDP 233

  17. TiHYDP Mega Man 9 - Death Ed. - DSP Wage Quits MegaMan 9 After 4 Deaths #DSPWageQuit #DSP #beggaman

    TiHYDP Mega Man 9 - Death Ed. - DSP Wage Quits MegaMan 9 After 4 Deaths #DSPWageQuit #DSP #beggaman

  18. This is How You DON'T Play Kameo: Elements of Power - KingDDDuke - TiHYDP # 121

    This is How You DON'T Play Kameo: Elements of Power - KingDDDuke - TiHYDP # 121

  19. A Message to Superhound (& Anyone who False Copyright Strikes Detractor Content) from DSP Himself

    A Message to Superhound (& Anyone who False Copyright Strikes Detractor Content) from DSP Himself
