Singularity 2025 | "The Advent of Artificial General Intelligence Is Called the Singularity for a Reason. Because Just Like a Black Hole, It's Difficult to Predict What Will Happen...2025, I Think That's Reasonably Accurate." - Musk
Business | "A Couple of Years I Was Stuck In A Rut. I Didn't Know Any Better. Selling Was Difficult. Staffing Was Difficult. I Was About Ready to Hang It Up. Now, We Are Actually GROWING!!! The Training Will Rock Your World." - Nick Smith
Singularity 2025 | "The Advent of Artificial General Intelligence Is Called the Singularity for a Reason. Because Just Like a Black Hole, It's Difficult to Predict What Will Happen...2025, I Think That's Reasonably Accurate." - Musk