Deformed papacy for a deformed church: Francis' fallible canonizations? Where is Catholic magisterium now? Shanghai lockdown and planned famine. WEF creating new digital man: homo digitalis, Sister Lucia imposter? Proclaim Christ true King!
Remnant Church | Pastor Leon Benjamin Discusses: Maui Fires, Yuval Noah Harari Wants to Re-Write the Bible Using A.I., Climate Lockdowns, 15-Minute Cities, the Depopulation Agenda, Bill Gates & Death Panels, "That's Called the Death Panel.&q
Remnant Church | Pastor Benjamin Hosts Remnant Church Tonight (Thurs Dec. 21st 2023 At 6:30 PM Central)!!! + Tucker Carlson / Alex Jones: "Whether You Believe Revelation Or Not They Are Building the Mark of the Beast Cashless Society."