Optimus | “Optimus will be the biggest product of all time by far. Nothing will even be close. I think it will be ten times bigger than the next biggest product ever made, like that level.” - Elon Musk (3/20/2025)
CBDCs | "At Some Point the World or a Country Is Going to Go Into a Crisis. When That Happens I Think They Will Close the Banks, You'll Wake Up On Sunday & Hear the News, Monday You'll Get the Announcement We're Getting the CBDCs.&
CBDC | "In 2007, 25 Banks Had to Be Bailed Out, a Total of $526 Billion Over 12 Months. In Last 5 Weeks We Have Had 3 U.S. Banks Fail & We Are Already Over the 2007 Total By $6 Billion." - Glen Beck (5.3.23) + BRICS & CBDCs + EO 14067