#115 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: SOUND OF FREEDOM - CNN & The Left Attack The Movie By Saying Child Sex Slave Trafficking Is Made Up By QANON (which doesn't exist) | STEVE BANNON Explains The Catholic Church & Charities Are The Traffickers
#69 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: BIBLE STEALING, Democrat Minister Representative Stahl Hamilton Caught On Video At The Capitol! She Filed The Ethics Complaint Against Rep. Liz Harris - CONTACT THE LEGISLATURDS NOW & DEMAND THEY FILE ONE ON HER
#116 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: SOUND OF FREEDOM - The Catholic Church, Charities & U.S. Bishops Are Being Paid BILLIONS Of Your Tax Dollars To Run The Child Sex Slave Trafficking Operation - MICHAEL VORIS & STEVE BANNON
#72 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Democrat Minister Rep. Stahl Hamilton Committed At Least 3 Ethics Violations - Bible Stealing, Lying To The House Members & Impugning Speaker Ben Toma - 1 Complaint Filed & 2 To Go - DEMAND THE LEGISLATURDS FILE NOW