The 13 bloodlines including the Rothschilds. The Central Bankers, who Hitler kicked out of Germany and Austria to free the people from the debt slavery system.
The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 09.05.24 | Central Bankers In Jackson Hole, CBDCs Around the Corner, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Ending the Age, Bitcoin More Centralized & More?
Climate Change | "Climate Change Affects Inflation, And Inflation Is the BEAST That All Central Bankers Want to Tame And Discipline." - Christine Lagarde | "To Prevent the Apocalypse We Will Need to Impose Some New Taxes." - Yuval Noah
CBDCs | Central Bank Digital Currencies | "If You Listen to the Central Bankers They Try As Hard As They Can to Stay Away from These Conversations." - Catherine Austin Fitts
Jackson Hole | "It's In the Hole?!" | Why Do the 120 Most Powerful Central Bankers & Policies Makers from Around the World Meet At Jackson Hole Wyoming to Discuss Monetary Policy? 2024 Wyoming Blockchain Symposium?
Jackson Hole, WY | Central Bankers In Wyoming? Are They Gathering to Visit the Jackson Hole Wendy's? Quantum Dot, Quant.Network, Quantum Stamps, China & Russia's Quantum Satellite Link & Graphene-Based Semiconductors?
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "FedNow Launches In July 2023. The Central Bankers Around the World Have Admitted That It's About Control, It's Not About Money." - Whitney Webb (Investigative Journalist)