Maui Fires | Why Were Satellites Launched And Monitored By the CCP Located Directly Above the Maui Fires At the Time of Ignition? Why Was NORAD 55836 Directly Over the Location? Why Does the CCP Have 60+ Gigawatt Lasers In Earth Orbit Now?
Maui Fires | Olinda Fire Was Ignited At Approximately 10:47 PM On Aug 7th 2023. At This Exact Time CCP Satellite Labeled NORAD 53299 Was Directly Over the Location. Lahaina Fire Was Ignited At 6:37 AM On Aug. 8th. CCP Satellite NORAD 55836..."
Maui Fires | Why Were Satellites Launched And Monitored By the CCP Located Directly Above the Maui Fires At the Time of Ignition? Why Was NORAD 55836 Directly Over the Location? Why Does the CCP Have 60+ Gigawatt Lasers In Earth Orbit Now?
Julie Green & General Flynn | Are the CCP-Style Social Credit Scores & Central Bank Digital Currencies Headed to the United States? How Did Anthony Weiner Get Called Out By Patrick Bet-David? + Roseanne & Tyrese Call Out Satanic Hollywood
General Flynn | Is This A War On Religion & Our Children? Why Is the Chinese CCP & Yuval Noah Harari Wanting to Rewrite the Bible? + 8 Updates You Need to Know + Gold Is Officially Outperforming Stocks In 2023 As October Rally Continues
Michigan Governor | Who Will Become Michigan's Next Governor? | Did Michigan’s Governor Whitmer Direct Over $300,000 to Fund the CCP Connected Konnech Election Company?
Elon Musk | "Elon Musk Is Owned By the Chinese Communist Party. The Only Thing of Real Value Is Tesla. The Shanghai Join Venture Is 100% Controlled By the CCP. Musk Is Owned By the Chinese Communist Party." - Steve Bannon