Remnant Church | Pastor Leon Benjamin Discusses: Maui Fires, Yuval Noah Harari Wants to Re-Write the Bible Using A.I., Climate Lockdowns, 15-Minute Cities, the Depopulation Agenda, Bill Gates & Death Panels, "That's Called the Death Panel.&q
Remember That Time Bill Gates Blamed Our 'Freedom' For The Spread Of The Virus? While Praising China For It's Authoritarian Measures? Straight Out of The Rockefeller Lock Step Document From 2010...
☀️ Climatologist Judith Curry Exposes the Corruption of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Environment Programme & The 1992 Climate Treaty
Depopulation | WEF Agenda Contributor Jane Goodall "If I Just Had This Magic Power, I Would Like to Without Causing Any Pain or Suffering Reduce the Number of People On the Planet." + Bill Gates Discusses "Death Panels" + Fauci Is Back
Bill Gates Discussing Death Panels | What Is Bill Gates Talking About? | "And That's Called the Death Panel, But You Are Not Supposed to Have That Discussion." - Bill Gates