4 years agoDearth & Robbing - The two Resource colonies fight for their lives as dearth sets in.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoTime to Feed the Bees - Heading Into Dearth. 1:1 sugar syrup and pollen patties for the girls.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoTime to Feed the Bees - Heading Into Dearth. 1:1 sugar syrup and pollen patties for the girls.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
1 year agoInspection The Bee Barns | Preparing for DEARTH #beekeeping #dearth #beesBug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoANT WARS | Queen Evacuates! Keep ants from NUC - Resource Hive under attack! - Ants in BeehiveBug Farmer Beekeeping
3 years agoHow to Stop a Swarm - Yellow hive tried to swarm but I shut them down. Thanks Frederick Dunn!Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoSetting Beetle Traps - Hunting Hive Beetles - Meeting the new Sage Queen -Updated Leader BoardBug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoHow to Stop a Swarm - Yellow hive tried to swarm but I shut them down. Thanks Frederick Dunn!Bug Farmer Beekeeping
3 years agoIt's WAR - Hive Beeetles Vs. Juno and her troops. Dearth, Hive Beetles, & Honeybees. #beekeepingBug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoFeeding Bees During Dearth, Feeding, Updates,& You -Beekeeping during dearth - feeding during dearthBug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoWhen Is Dearth? | Identifying dearth for the new beekeeper. #beekeeping #insects #beesBug Farmer Beekeeping
3 years agoRed Surprise - The red hive throws me a curve ball while resolving the issue once and for all.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
1 year agoInspecting and Condensing | Winter beehive preparation continues #beekeeping #beesBug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoThe Great Honeybee Die Off | Supply Chain Crisis Hits Bees | famine | food shortage | #beekeepingBug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoWhen is it TOO HOT to work your bees? | HEAT STROKE #beekeeping #insects #bees #honeyBug Farmer Beekeeping