1st Thessalonians Chapter 4 | Apostle Paul Wrote 1st Thessalonians While Inspired By God + Where Can We Find Hope During Perilous Times? What Does the Bible Have to Say About The Rapture? What Is the Narrow Path That Leads to Heaven?
Yuval Noah Harari | "Anything You Can Do, This System Can Do Better. In the 21st Century Most Humans Will Find Themselves In a New Class of Humanity, the USELESS Class." Why Is Yuval Leading the Largest Protests In Israel's History?
Yuval Noah Harari | “Artificial Intelligence Can Do Many Good Things for Us. But, It Can Also DESTROY US. A.I. Is Different from Every Previous Invention In Human History. A.I. Is Different. It’s the First Invention In Human History"
Yuval Noah Harari | "History Is Full of Accidents. How Did CHRISTIANITY Become the Most Successful Religion In the World? Why This Story of Jesus? The Roman Empire In the Third Century Was A Bit Like California Today! You Need Completely"
Mark of the Beast | Trump Arrest? Putin Arrest Warrant Issued? Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Largest Protests In Israel's History? Civil War In Israel? False Prophets? Why Is China Teaming Up With Russia? Why Is the Euphrates Drying Up?
Yuval Noah Harari | Discusses Hitler, Hitler & Some More Hitler, Digital Dictatorships, Stalin, "Think About the Ideological Movement Which Was the Worst In History And Think What Would They Do With the Technology That I'm Developing Right N
Israel | Why Is the Man Who Calls Humans Hackable Animals, Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Largest Protests In The History Of Israel? Why Did Yuval Noah Harari State? "My Message to Benjamin Netanyahu: Stop Your Coup or We’ll Stop the Country"